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Conference Strands
Summative & Formative Assessment | Instructional Practices for Multilingual Learners (ML)  |
Leadership & School Culture | School & Community Resources | Student & Family Support


  • Accommodations for Newcomer MLs in Secondary Content Classes  

    Nekeisha Ogletree, Hickman Mills SD 

    Discover strategies to accommodate MLs in a general education setting by creating language objectives to focus instruction and integrating the four domains of literacy. All information will be delivered based on a mastery approach including WIDA and DESE language standards for newcomer MLs. 

    Content Strand: Instructional Practices for MLs 

  • Co-Teaching, Co-Planning, Collaboration and Coaching for Elementary ML Success 

    Lauren Chadwick, Kansas Cit International Academy  

    Explore how to co-teach, co-plan and collaborate for elementary ML success. Discover how a content ELA teacher and an EL specialist work in collaboration for EL learner’s long-term success.  

    Content Strand: Instructional Practices for MLs 

  • Creating a Language-Rich Classroom 

    Reah Morabith, Heart of Missouri RPDC 

    Discover practical strategies for the content classroom that are highly valuable and easily adaptable for ML newcomers, ML advanced or native-English-speaking students. Create engaging, language-rich environments that support all students in your classroom by enhancing student interaction, making content more accessible and promoting academic language development. 

    Content Strand: Instructional Practices for MLs 

  • Cultural Differences: Examining Cultural Miscommunications 

    Reah Morabith, Heart of Missouri RPDC 

    Gain greater awareness of and sensitivity to cultural differences while exploring the profound influence of culture on everyday interactions. In this session, participants will examine real-world scenarios to uncover the underlying cultural values and beliefs that may shape behaviors, actions and reactions. Through engaging discussions, develop strategies to navigate challenging situations with MLs and their families more effectively.  

    Content Strand: Student & Family Support MLs 

  • EL Development Processes 

    Kajal Ramsunder, Raytown C-2 School District 

    Explore Raytown School District policies and process in identifying English Learners (ELs), their needs and placement. Review processes for determining students’ eligibility for EL services and establishing communication plans with students and families. Explore and discuss other districts’ best practices with these processes. 

    Content Strand: Student & Family Support 

  • ELL Quick Guide: Essential Strategies for Content Teachers 

    Katie Killeen, Kansas City International Academy 

    Review the “ELL Quick Guide” created by our Curriculum and Instruction team. This resource is used by content teachers in our building along with instructional coaching to make decisions about what classroom supports can be used specifically for MLs. Explore the resource and discover how it is used in the planning of an 8th grade Science Lesson. Learn how to use the "ELL Quick Guide" to plan a lesson using your own curricular resources.  

    Content Strand: Instructional Practices for MLs 

  • Empowering MLs through Easy Classroom Strategies  

    Marissa Geyer, Discovery Education 

    Explore engaging, multi-modal resources available on the Discovery Education Experience platform, designed specifically to motivate and support MLs. Unlock practical, high-level strategies aimed at enhancing oral language development, fostering academic vocabulary growth and incorporating scaffolded writing opportunities. Discover intentional instructional techniques that empower educators to create a dynamic learning environment, ensuring every language learner thrives in their speaking, reading and writing. Don’t miss this chance to enrich your tool kit with effective strategies that make a difference. 

    Content Strand: Instructional Practices for MLs 

  • Getting started with AI 

    R Kent Yocum, Kansas City RPDC 

    Geared for the reluctant EL educator who is reluctant to engage with Artificial Intelligence (AI). Explore an introduction to AI tools to ease your workload and inspire learning. This session will include how to sign up, the best AI tools for adult and student use, demonstrations and an opportunity for hands-on practice. 

    Content Strand: Instructional Practices for MLs 


  • Leading for Inclusive School Culture 

    Delia Perez-Solorzano, Kansas City Kansas Public Schools 

    Discover strategies to create inclusive school cultures that empower MLs. Explore leadership practices, tools and frameworks that foster belonging, equity and high expectations. Gain actionable steps to transform your school community into a thriving, inclusive environment.  

    Content Strand: Leadership & School Culture 

  • Making Language Visible: Systemic Functional Linguistic Theory in Practice  

    Stephaney Ferguson, Kansas City International Academy 

    Explore research about Systemic Functional Linguistic theory and its application to the classroom.  Gain a new understanding of the kinds of language that needs to be explicitly taught and some ideas on how to start teaching it.  Learn how to use AI and WIDA language assessment frameworks to build discourse in content area classrooms like Math, ELA, Science and History.  

    Content Strand: Instructional Practices for MLs 

  • Supporting Newcomers K-8 

    Lauren Chadwick, Kansas City International Academy  

    Explore how to support newcomers transitioning into U.S. school when a newcomer center is not available. Discover tips and tricks for supporting students from the first day of school and beyond through the lens of various instructional methods and school wide support structures.  

    Content Strand: Instructional Practices for MLs 

  • Utilizing School-based PD Teams to Support MLs 

    Andrea Hellman, Missouri State University 

    Explore a school-based professional development program designed to promote dialogue and outcomes for MLs. The program starts with a self-assessment tool to help teachers evaluate their current practices, followed by ten self-paced modules. These modules focus on essential topics related to equity and best practices for supporting MLs. Review success stories from Missouri schools that have completed the program and receive access to the TEAMS USA course website, a downloadable workbook and a facilitator's guide to support your learning experience. 

    Content Strand: Leadership & School Culture 

  • Voices in Bloom: Nurturing Oral Language Growth for Emergent MLs  

    Emily Brown, Kansas City RDPC 

    Every word a child speaks is a step toward unlocking their full potential-let’s empower MLs to thrive through the power of oral language! This interactive session will dive into the five essential components of oral language and discover practical strategies to seamlessly weave them into classroom instruction. By intentionally planning opportunities for students to discuss content, we support their development in reading and writing while also enhancing their conversational and academic English skills.  

    Content Strand: Instructional Practices for MLs